Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lesbians & UHAUL's go Hand n' Hand???


This statement might be true. Wait a minute....IT IS!!!! No, no, no you 4 people out there who read my blog on a regular basis, its not with a "life partner" its with My BESTHO Raych! Starting January 1st, new HOUSE, new RESPONSIBILITIES which means more money to pay. I guess thats what happens when you develop gray hair right? Time for this astronomically party bitch to focus on more important things in life like: Toasters, Coffee Makers, Forks, Vacuums and a HO (For Gardening Purposes of Course). Equipped with its own wine and beer fridges (yes, plural), will make this whole Sobriety thing of mine problematic. So wish me luck on this long road of ADULTISM (is that even a word) and pray I make it out alive!


raych said...

at least we had HELLA more than 2 dates for me to show a uhaul!

raych said...

*ahem* excuse me ... show UP in a uhaul

Bon Don said...

hehehe Uhaul! Congrats on the new place, make sure to invite when you put those "fridges" to use!